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A series of activities which show the fun side of mathematics (the only side!)



Sticks and stones to make something beautiful! Zometools is a set of “tools”, spokes and connectors, each having specificity for length and angles. Whether it is to reconstruct shapes as a challenge or to create something completely new, Zometools is definitely fascinating.


Rap or Crap

With the current trends in music, sometimes you second guess what you heard. Just like those times that the lyrics of these is so absurd and makes you second guess your senses, Rap or Crap is a math themed event where theorems so absurd are put out that you’d think they aren’t even real. By the end of the event, you’d have learnt a bunch of theorems and not-theorems.


Escape Room

An integral part of mathematics. They'll be all that you'll have for the rest of your life if you don't escape the room . Just kidding. Even if you aren’t solving these  codes in life or death situations as an agent of a secret society, pretending to be one never got easier as  escape the room  will
have you on your toes the entire time.

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboar


A classic board game, now played with a board and chalk. A perfect way to showcase your artistic skills while having the crowd shout out all these fancy math jargon at you. A great game with no winners or losers, just a few artists and a few mathematicians, not necessarily disjoint.



Remember that game you played at the back of your notebook. Yeah, it’s a tournament now. Bring your friends too, a great platform for all our heroes and champions of Sprouts. Also a great platform for all of us who don’t know the rules but come out on top anyway.

Black Chess Pieces

Flip Chess

A knock out tournament with both players having 2 minutes on the clock to make 10 moves . after every 10 moves 2 minutes will be added on the clock again and players will switch position and continue the same position . there will be 5 time controls . so switching will take place 5 times only after 10th move of every time control. Game ends if any player gets checkmated, lost on time or made 3 illegal moves throughout the game and no draw on agreement allowed.

Painted Number Four

May the 4s be with you

It’s amazing what you can do with just four numbers, Come try your luck at reaching your target number with four number and the basic operators.

For example - 

  1. Construct an expression using the 4 numbers given and obtain 4. E.g. 4=(2×6)-3-5.


Math League Gaming

Do you like math? How about video games? Well thanks to this Math Day, no longer must you choose between the two. This Math day, join us for a game of numerical sledging. Math is the ultimate puzzle, and this is the ultimate math puzzle game.

download (1).png


Usual templates are cool and all, but what if we hopped in meaningful sequence? What if it were the Fibonacci Sequence, or maybe the Lazy Caterer’s Sequence? Whether there’s a deeper meaning to it all or not, it’s definitely uplifting to be jumping around.

Clubhouse: Client
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